Firm Detail
Bankruptcy Law Firm in Illinois

Phone(s): (312) 447-8025
DebtStoppers is an Illinois bankruptcy law firm helping people file for debt relief under the Bankruptcy Code. We help people take control of their financial futures by helping them discharge their debt. Our skilled bankruptcy attorneys work closely with each client to craft a custom-fit plan.
We offer options for dealing with creditors and protecting assets such as vehicles and the family home. Our office deals with Chapters 7 & 13 bankruptcy, home foreclosures, wage garnishments, and asset protection. And we help people repair their credit for a more secure financial future. We understand how overwhelming excessive debt can be and how difficult can be for some to seek the help they need. At DebtStoppers – The Semrad Bankruptcy Law Firm we treat everyone with patience and respect.
When individuals and families find themselves one paycheck away from serious financial trouble, DebtStoppers – The Semrad Bankruptcy Law Firm can help free them from crushing debt. Your financial future can be brighter.
Practice Areas
- Bankruptcy
- Debt Relief
- Debtor & Creditor
- Foreclosure