Law Offices of David Jay Glassman

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Criminal Lawyer


1500 Market Street, #1200 East Tower
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Phone(s): (215) 563-7100


David Jay Glassman is a criminal defense attorney practicing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Attorney Glassman is a former prosecutor with a thorough understanding of both sides of the courtroom and its procedures.

He knows what it takes to craft a solid and compelling case that effectively refutes the evidence against his clients.

His passion for protecting the rights of the accused stems from a firm belief in the Constitution and the principle of a fair trial. He knows that it takes precision and careful thought to effectively advocate a client's position, and he articulates persuasively using more than three decades of legal experience.

Renowned for his skilled representation that is grounded in advanced knowledge of criminal law, he can accurately anticipate the strategy of the prosecution. He uses every available resource to experts craft well-written defenses for his clients. His history of favorable verdicts reflects his commitment to exceeding expectations and protecting the rights of those he represents.

Practice Areas

  • Criminal Defense
  • Drug Crime
  • DUI & DWI
  • Expungements
  • Juvenile Crime
  • Murder
  • Sex Crimes
  • Traffic Ticket
  • White Collar Crime
  • Litigation
  • Commercial Litigation