Firm Detail
Cheap Traffic Attorneys
Southern California Traffic Ticket Attorney

Phone(s): (310) 945-5655
Cheap Traffic Attorneys is a traffic ticket law practice that serves clients in Southern California, including Orange and Los Angeles Counties. Practice areas consist of speeding and red light camera tickets, HOV/carpool lane violations, missed court (FTAs), CDL-commercial tickets, no registration and no insurance tickets, cell phone violations, texting while driving tickets, and a variety of other violations and tickets.
Founding attorney John J. Pearson, Esq. has more than 21 years of experience and, as a former California police officer, he wrote traffic tickets, responded to traffic collisions, and testified to them in Court. He is a recognized expert in Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and has been certified in Peace Officer Training areas including DUI, Collisions, Drug Recognition, and even Tactical/Hostage Negotiations.
A seasoned attorney with a broad range of law enforcement knowledge and experience, John J. Pearson knows the traffic court judges in the jurisdictions where he practices and has represented more than 10,000 defendants, winning a vast number of “not guilty” verdicts and dismissals of charges throughout Southern California.
Practice Areas
- Criminal Defense
- Traffic Ticket