Firm Detail
Lynch Daskal Emery LLP
Kidney Failure Lawsuit and Fleet Phospho-soda Defective Product Attorneys in New York, New York

264 West 40th Street
Manhattan, New York
Phone(s): (212) 302-2400 or (800) 585-1190
Lynch Daskal Emery has been representing individuals who suffered kidney damage after using Fleet Phospho-soda since 2004. Have you or a loved one suffered renal disease or impaired kidney function after using Fleet Phospho-soda in preparation for a colonoscopy or other medical procedure and as a result, have you required treatment for anemia, dialysis or kidney transplant? If so you or your loved one may be entitled to monetary compensation for your injuries.
On December 11, 2008, C.B. Fleet Co., Inc. announced a recall of their products Fleet Phospho-soda and Fleet Phospho-soda EZ-Prep Bowel Cleansing System. The recall was announced on the day the FDA issued a Safety Alert that included a determination that consumers should not be using over-the-counter oral sodium phosphate solutions for bowel cleansing. Read the complete FDA Safety Alert here. The Alert noted that acute phosphate nephropathy, a form of acute kidney injury, has been associated with the use of oral sodium phosphate solutions.
Practice Areas
- Government
- Federal Law
- Personal Injury
- Product Liability