Ferman Law, PLLC

Immigration and Nationality Law Firm


201 West Burnsville Parkway, Suite 110
Burnsville, Minnesota

Phone(s): (651) 209-3269


Ferman Law, PLLC is an immigration law firm located in Burnsville, Minnesota, representing clients throughout the world. The attorneys are experts in resolving issues regarding visas, green cards, citizenship and more.

The attorneys understand how difficult it can be to navigate the complex landscape of immigration on your own, and they know that a skilled attorney can help you to make sense of all the important aspects which determine your future. They realize how stressful it is to be in a new place and find your footing, and they want to help.

The firm's team is strongly devoted to improving the lives of clients and their families, and they are deeply dedicated to remaining accessible. If you ever have questions or concerns, your lawyer will be prepared to provide thorough answers that will help you to feel empowered to take control of your situation and succeed.

Practice Areas

  • Immigration
  • Green Cards
  • Naturalization & Citizenship
  • Visa
  • Work Permit